‘Jezebel Spirit’… seriously?

yeah right dog
Hi, about the time Leanne wrote her post on the Jezebel Spirit, I also was writing a post to follow her soon after. A mite bit later than hoped, here it is…”

a couple of quotes to start the ball rolling…

“Jezebel crushes the will, and especially the will of man to make them passive. Jezebel’s main purpose is to destroy the image of Father God from the earth so that people will not want to reach out to Father God.” -Mariett Louw

“When a woman has a Jezebel Spirit she has first of all been Satanically seduced herself. Lets go back to the garden. The serpent came to Eve. He seduced Eve, then he used Eve to seduce Adam…” Jacob Prasch


The use of slandering women with having or operating under a ‘Jezebel spirit’ has been around for ages. Having been personally a past recipient of this smear campaign that instantly discredits your person and voice in the eyes and ears of others of your immediate church family and further afield, I would like to address what the bible actually says concerning Jezebel. Continue reading