A Sad Day for New Zealand

IMG_20200229_142615Many New Zealanders will be weeping today (19 March 2020) for the actions of their parliament last night in enabling the abortion bill by MP Andrew Little to be legalised. 68-51 was the 3rd and final vote that saw it further progress into law.

Though abortion was previously under the Crimes Act, no woman had ever been convicted in NZ for the murder of her unborn child. Now, moved to that of being a woman’s health issue, it has legally dehumanised the growing person within her to simply that of being tissue for removal. All proposed amendments to the bill (1) were defeated even that of simply ensuring unborn babies over 20 weeks – undergoing abortion – would not feel pain, in stark contrast to the Animal Welfare Act that ensures animals under veterinary care will not suffer undue pain.  

The New Zealand Government have not only closed their eyes and ears to the rights of our unborn children, they have also closed their hearts. Continue reading

A Foot in the Door…

n-polygamy-628x314When posting ‘A Normal Family?’ yesterday, I was in shock more or less for this to be on national TV here in NZ, utterly flabbergasted as it seemed so wrong on so many levels!! The following night NZ Hub’s –Story visited and filmed the family in situ. It continues to generate a lot of heated discussion on their Facebook page, with some good comments for victim support present. Public shock factor has definitely made it a winner for Story. During and after the ‘home visit’ video the following night, much discussion was had within our family. An awful sense of a door having just been opened… beginning the machination of public acceptance…  Continue reading

A ‘Normal’ New Zealand Family?


Last night on New Zealand Television, News Hub-Story presenters Heather du Plessis-Allen and Duncan Garner interviewed an Auckland couple. Pakistan immigrant Yasir Mohib and one of his two New Zealand born wives Fatimah Fazilet Sheikh were interviewed concerning his alleged domestic abuse involving the use of a hammer. The reason it became public news is because he was let off without conviction by a district court judge last year, who is currently being investigated because of other similar decisions. The High Court has recently overturned her decision concerning him. Continue reading

Ephesians 5:33

marketing-automation-and-reputation-managementIt seems for a while now that I’m always late, not quite up with the play, one step behind so to speak. Yesterday for example, September 19, 2016 was a good day to write a post, as it was ‘Suffrage’ day – the day to remember and celebrate when New Zealand women gained the right to vote in 1893! This is celebrated all the more here in New Zealand, as we were the first self-governing country in the world to extend this right to all women! Pat on the back for NZ and all other countries who have done likewise, unfortunately voting for women has still some way to go in this world and we need to remember and pray for those whose rights of equality are withheld by their countries tradition and rule.

Yesterday, however, was just one of two days that would have been good to have marked with a post. As it happens Sunday the 18th of September was also Continue reading

Double Whammy For Christian Women


freedom1sourced at crystalandrusmorrisette.com

Women are being doubly discriminated against for being female, and for being Christian.

Women worldwide are vulnerable because of their gender. It includes domestic violence, dowry and honor killings, forced prostitution, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), raping, abortion etc. It can also include things like low literacy rate and ownership. Being female can put you automatically in these categories. Lines are often blurred between cultural and religious abuse. Even in a first world country like New Zealand, being of female gender can make you vulnerable to abuses. Men are not subjected to such fears, abuses or violence. Do men ever think of having their car keys ready in their hand to veer off a possible attacker in an empty parking lot? Your whole approach to life is different. A lot has been done in New Zealand to give women support and equality. I’m thankful for that. Continue reading

Is Israel Above Criticism? – NZ Herald

This morning the NZ Herald published an article by Rachel Smalley titled:

Is Israel above criticism?

I had a comment to give but only half would fit into the 1200 character space allowable… By the time it had been cut, sliced and diced down to the acceptable length the ‘debate had been closed.’ So instead the ‘full version’ of my 2 cents worth will find its outlet below. Continue reading

New Zealand To Prosper?


Psalm 122:6:
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you”.

The Bible is clear that all of us who desire to serve Yahweh in Spirit and in truth need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I was both saddened and encouraged by the following article from the Zionist Federation of New Zealand. It is a good read and gives counter arguments to all of us that are standing with Israel and her Jewish Messiah.

Letter to Kia Ora Gaza
